Friday, December 12, 2008

sorry, sorry~

i've been too focused on visual creativity to focus any of it on writing.
does anyone else find people that they would be happy with just staring at forever?
it's so dangerous.

what makes things so pleasing to the eye?
it's such a mystery, you know?
what is it that makes beautiful people, beautiful?

i wonder how long they spend, watching themselves in the mirror.
i know if i were one, i wouldn't leave it xD



Anonymous said...

your blogs always make me think lol
you are beautiful.
i don't think people who are just physically beautiful and don't have the personality to match are truly beautiful at all, they're just ugly people in disguise.
i think beautiful people are found physically attractive because there's something about them that others find perplexingly aesthetic.
that made no sense, i apologise.

Ambert. said...

it's just the way my brain spits out thoughts. i think in a way that makes others think xDD

i suppose beautiful isn't the word i meant. physically attractive. xP

just people, with the right tweak in the face and body to make you stare without definitive reason.

of course, truly beautiful people beat them out every time, but, y'know.

i'd like one nearby all hours of the day, just to... admire.

Anonymous said...

i'd like that too.
infact, i'm coming to stare at you for hours without speaking.
just to stare at you xD

Ambert. said...


Anonymous said...

oh yes, i bet you're worried now!

Anonymous said...

Ok be prepared. On tuesday, i WILL stare at you. and stare. and stare.

no wide eyes,
no smile
no expression.

just staring.

and no no no! beauty is on the outside only! Inner beauty is bullshit if you ask me.

Nobody ever shares my opinion on that xD