Thursday, January 29, 2009



i'm busy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

errr... hellooooo~?

did this place die? xD

i think so.

what a shame! i love this font.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

just (re)realised,

i hate most people. xDDD
it's true. most i encounter i find a burning reason to dislike them
i dunno where to got it from
i think my mother.

i'm such a bad person, but to be honest i perfectly fine with it
i don't really show them i hate them *;> msn smiley*
people in general are just stupid.

obviously not you, the reader though ^3^

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

my cows.

mum just told me that one of my cows managed to get a bucket stuck on it's head
and that it was running around crazily this morning,
all the other cows followed it eagerly
the mighty bucket cow was showing them the light

even the horses were intrigued, they had all bunched up as close as possible to watch these mad cows
one could only imagine what they were thinking.

Monday, January 5, 2009


i'm so sad.

i'll miss them too.

じゃ また。

i know what'll cheer me up.


it amuses me so.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


i'm sick of cocky now.
shy's not so bad, but only when it's not an ugly person
cuz then you go "yeah... i know why they don't speak up much"

am i mean?

i'm absolutely dazzled by this kid's smile.

wait nevermind closed the tab xD

imma go bed once the pictures are on
'3' msn smiley

*tired and sniffling*

Saturday, January 3, 2009

it's a disease.

a terrible, terrible disease...


takes over the mind
( or at least the H: drive xD)