Friday, March 13, 2009


I found the perfect place for people watching! The Verdon College Cafe. People float in and out, and you can see every little interaction and drama that goes on from my spot. I have pretty keen eye sight so facial expressions aren't hard to pick up either. The best conversations to imagine are the ones between two people to the side of the queue, body language and their connection to each other spin to create wonderful stories in the mind.

I like to imagine what may be plaguing their mind at the moment, their relationship to other people, their past and their future. Likes, dislikes, pet peeves and favourite things. Their personality perks, social status, even their "mere human superpower".
Sounds a little creepy right? Ahh well. At least I haven't been caught yet.

I've actually taken up to writing in a diary. Like a full on, real, hold in your hands and flick through the pages journal. It's interesting to look at, even now. I see things I had previously forgotten from just the last month, it's nice.

I think I'm getting better at singing =D tone as well as range. Pity you can't tell right now because of the resurgance of a cold I'm getting. -.-;

Saturday, March 7, 2009


i seriously need to write something. anything creative. i need to go people watching too.